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Burg Deutschlandsberg

Enjoyment, culture and recreation in one place.

Burg Deutschlandsberg

Enjoyment, culture and recreation in one place.

Burg Deutschlandsberg

Enjoyment, culture and recreation in one place.

Excellent gourmet restaurant

united with historical charm.

Excellent gourmet restaurant

united with historical charm.

Recovery from everyday life

in different rooms and suites.

Terms of Use

Responsible for web page content:
Burg Landsberg BetriebsgmbH
Burgplatz 1
A-8530 Deutschlandsberg
Phone: +43 3462 5656-0
Fax: +43 3462 5656-2
E-Mail: info@burg-deutschlandsberg.at

Further details & information:
Chamber of Commerce Membership: Fachgruppe für Gastronomie und Hotellerie 
VAT Number: ATU62884677
Commercial Register Number: 282656x
Commercial Register Court: Landesgericht für ZR Graz

Note of liability: Despite careful control, we do not assume any responsibility for the content of external links. The operators of linked homepages are responsible and liable for their own content. In case of any infringement of rights - such as copy rights or trade mark rights, please be so kind to contact us via mail or in any other written form. We will attempt to correct any inaccuracies or errors as quickly as possible.
Image Copyright: Burg Deutschlandsberg &
Tourismusverband Schilcherland Deutschlandsberg